Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Beers with Friends

Nothing beats good German beers, good conversation, maybe some hearty German food - a little sausage among friends - reliving good times - always a beautiful thing. Thank you Bill, Michele, Colleen, John (oops Hans), Ray, Mary and Steve and Stac - yes we all would rather be in a beer garden in Rothenburg or a wine stub in Barr, France or a vineyard in Alsace or Italy - but Gustav's will do and we manage to have a great time no matter what locale we find ourselves on this particular birthday celebration - year 2007.

Here is to many more whether they be in Greece, in front of a TV in Mulhausen or here in beautiful Portland, Oregon. It's first and foremost the company and tonight's was the best!

Steve and Stac are off to California to scout colleges, Bill and Michele are journeying to Italy for a wedding, a little wine and so much more - the Burgers are eating bruschetta and drinking Sangiovese as we speak - with ouzo on the way... I will be making due in Vegas and Utah - and we all have Bench Lake to look forward to.

My present to myself - this nice picture of a couple of cold ones in Metz, France. Here's to you Hans!! Skol!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Rental Car in France

C'est ne pas grave!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thistle Juniors

This little guy will be going to college in about 14 months! Say it isn't so!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ah...good times!

Thistles vs. Violent Femmes

It's always tough to lose but it's doubly tough to lose to opponents that you respect and on occasion play with and folks that you call friends cause ultimately you want their respect and admiration and even though someone left our team because you know we weren't good enough, well in the end we would of course beat you and you would so regret leaving our team.

Wow where did THAT come from? Anyways - it was a great match and yes hard to lose again to Kelsey's crew. But you know after a long hot shower and some time to reflect - did anyone notice that they were long gone meanwhile the Thistles stayed and talked about Europe and new shoes and our children and well quaffed a beer or two and thoroughly enjoyed the evening - it's like our little club up there at LC isn't it. FC Thistles club house - definitely worth the money we pay.

It was thrilling to have Andrea and Mary back - and I mean this in the most wholesome of ways but Mary and A - you complete us... (ahem.... think movies). And we definitely missed our out of action Thistles - can't wait to have everyone back.

Tina was again amazing - and her goal was another beauty - it's too late in the evening for me to know how many games in a row Tina has scored - let me just say Tina you amaze me every time you take the field. I consider myself lucky to play with an athlete of your caliber. (This post is not an attempt to appease Lucy - really it's not - I mean she can't read yet right?).

But everyone played great - there was some stuff there in the first half that just blows my mind - some of our best soccer of the year no doubt. Passing and connections on the field that most teams only dream about.

Claudine - you have been a great addition - not only with your skill which has been tremendous - but we love your spirit and energy and of course the fact that you brought beers to your second game! But you had some great moves tonight and I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful Thistle friendship.

Laurie - you played great - adjusting and marking and clearing as you needed to - it was not an easy game to be a sweeper and I really appreciate knowing you've got our backs so to speak.

It's late and I should post this... thanks all for another terrific evening of soccer!.... and friendship!... and fun!

Monday, June 18, 2007

New and Improved Bathroom

And my new bathroom! Circa 2007!

Vintage Bathroom

Vintage? Well that is one way to put it... vintage if all you have is Allman Brothers in your 8 track!

Me Mum in Kew, England

Happy Birthday Mom!