Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Screech Owl in Lithia Park

Nope a Screech Owl
Originally uploaded by thistleamy5
Just returned from a nice weekend in Ashland. While taking a long leisurely walk through Lithia Park - we saw the rare breed of bespeckled Ornithologist. Complete with Nikon D2 and 400 mm lens - said species eyed this oak tree. Thankfully I can communicate with this rare breed and said Ornithologist was kind enough to give us a look.

If left to my own two eyes I would never have seen this cute little guy who blends in so well with this oak tree. This is a screech owl. He is sleeping so soundly about 30 feet above a very noisy kids playground. Amazing how wildlife can adapt to our strange environment.

Isn't he/she adorable?