Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Arsenal - Goal Frustration

I took this picture in Kew, England (that's my mum) the day after England lost to Northern Ireland in a friendly in the Fall of 2005. I feel like I'm getting as loony as these English fans - I'm watching Arsenal in the UEFA Champions League - thankfully ESPN is showing these games - if anyone wants a copy let me know - and the lads have had 16 yes 16 shots on goal and it is halftime and they have yet to score. What rubbish. They are playing CSK Moscow.

Arsenal in my mind is the most beautiful team to watch but they can also be maddening especially if you are a Gunner fan - as they just don't shoot enough - they always try to make one more pass right in front of goal. Although with 16 shots on goal at half I'd have to say at this stage they have been plain unlucky. Fabregas had an open goal and hit the side netting. C'mon lads put one in the net.

Chelsea tied Barcelona yesterday in Barcelona so that ensures Chelsea will go through and it looks like Barcelona may be in danger of not advancing past the first round. What a shocker for the returning champs. I wish ESPN had shown that one - from the replays it looks like quite a game.

Henry just missed an open goal and there is Lehman swearing in German - Scheisse!! Posted by Picasa

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