Sunday, June 22, 2008

Are we nuts?

Marathon - Still happy?
Originally uploaded by thistleamy5
We are going to do this.... again! Somehow since it has been 2 years we have either forgotten how painful this is...or we are just plain ole crazy.

Anyways we are 6 days away from another 26.2 miles. Look how happy we are - that's cause this is only at mile 10 - barely a third of the way. If i think about it too much - head explodes.

We are doing the Seafair Marathon which starts at U of W which bodes very well for Janice. Not good at all for me being such a Duck fan... what was I thinking?

We cross the 520 bridge and then run all over hell and back in Redmond and Bellevue.

This is for Mary - who has been so tough and resilient through a really tough 6 months. I don't know how she has done this - train - run her company - save her loved ones - and remain sane. She is incredible and if anything will get me through miles 20 - 26 it will be the thought of Mary doing it all with only an ipod, her two strong legs, great lungs and a will tougher than anyone I know.

Mary - you go girl - there is nothing you can't do.

Hopefully a camera will capture some of the action.

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