Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pain and Chocolate

It is amazing what the French do with chocolate, flour, eggs, sugar and various other ingredients. The pastry shelves are worthy of 100 pictures and I was not too embarrassed to take a few. And I don’t even really like pastries that much. But it is astounding what they do both visually and I am sure gastronomically with these little desserts. In Paris I passed a patisserie that had little sweets that looked like miniature hamburgers and a teeny tiny basket of French fries. Why they would want to replicate the look of fast food is beyond me – if there is any culture that eschews fast food – it’s the French. But maybe it’s ok to make your pastires look like fast food. Odd.

In Arles – the day of the bull fight there was a patisserie selling chocolate éclair type things shaped and decorated like the head of a bull. An alive bull by the way cause that is how the French do the bull fight. With living bulls – from beginning until end.

One day we walked through the Marais which is this great funky part of Paris – that once was and I think still is the center of Jewish culture in Paris. We passed a bakery/pastry shop that sold such an incredible milieu of baked goods – my head wanted to explode. In that moment I really really wished that I liked sweets. Why aren’t cooks this devotional about potato chips? OK maybe the British are.

I didn’t have my camera and I tried to commit to memory the many really fantastic looking baked goods – and there were just so many – along side plain old croissants and pain au chocolats that looked like they may very well be the best in the city – or at least the best I had seen in our 4 short days there. You could spend a lifetime trying everything – and I am sure there is a Parisian out there who will or has. In this same shop was a small coffee counter – set to the side. You could pick out your pastry, and then stand at the counter and pay a mere 1.7 euro for an espresso (as opposed to the 3 – 4 euro price we were paying to sit and drink coffee).

I want to spend my days at that coffee counter, sipping espresso, and watch people gawk at that display counter all day!

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