Monday, November 06, 2006

Game Report - Thistles vs. Gresham United

Game report – Thistles 6 Gresham United 1. Ok on the face of it this doesn’t sound like the most exciting of games. And as our four or five fans can attest – it probably was not. But Gresham United turned out not to be the feared Ona and Kimi diumvirate – but a team of some of the matriarchs of NUWS league and amateur women’s soccer in Portland.

Ginger was playing – along with Mary Ellen – Elsie (Tiffany’s mom) and a few other gems whose names I have forgotten. And yes we beat them handily and the game was not our most challenging. But I do consider it an honor to take the field with these ladies. I am not well versed in the history of the NUWS league – Andrea could provide a lot more knowledge there – but it remains that these players have contributed so much to what is our league today and have kept it strong by playing for many years.

I believe the Thistles have also contributed a lot to the league – our longevity, our consistency, and our competitiveness in the upper echelon of the league. And when we are still playing 10 – 15 – even 20 years from now (hey if Ginger can do it – why can’t we?) – hopefully the Thistle Juniors will be as honored to play us.

Many thanks to Michele and Susan for offering to play with Gresham United and allowing us to have a competitive match. It often took 2 or 3 Thistles to slow Michele down – she was a tiger out there. Michele was all fired up after a rough playoff loss on Saturday as Wilson fell victim to some bad refereeing down in Spragueville. Sorry Michele.

Other news in Thistle related High School sports – Alex Annand was named first team all PIL! As a junior! What great news – congrats to Laurie, John and of course Alex! It probably all stems from that Luca Juniors game we played along the Canal du Midi back in ’98!

He has a playoff game tomorrow (Nov. 7 – vote and then watch!) at 4:15 at Cleveland HS. Catch the All-Star in action!

Vote Yes on Bond Measure 26-80!

Here is a fun link that maps all the states you have been to or all the countries you have visited. It’s kind of fun. Hey Andrea – play this game with Jerry! Hah!

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