Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hood to Coast Triumph

Barlow Road Gang
Originally uploaded by thistleamy5
We had a nearly perfect Hood to Coast run with the St. Vincent Harriers. Obviously the one imperfection from the weekend was the lame team name - gotta work on that for next year.

But the whole weekend went great - we finished in 26:28:42 about an hour faster than we had predicted. There were no injuries, no missed exchanges and everyone had a great time. We even got to meet a very cute puppy!

So what's not to love - running until you hurt, more gatorade injested than humanly possible, no sleep, sweaty stinky van air for 26 hours and a puppy!

I will write more in a bit but here is some of our team - from left Theresa our incredible driver - she was Danica Patrick and then some; Bernd Cooper - Our Ironman Leg #5; Alex "Thank you for volunteering" Jackson; Shannon - insane enough to run leg #1; and Elle - Shannon's daughter who ran faster than any 17 year old should be allowed to run.

Not pictured - Janice - our leader and who got us into this craziness - Janice this is what we do while you are out running - we stand around waiting for direction.

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