Friday, November 21, 2008

I'm Sick

I often look around my “reading room” – also known as converted garage with carpet, 2 windows and bookshelves. And I think what kind of a sick person am I that I own so many books that I will never ever read? I can’t possibly read them all – no one lives that long.

I had always figured that this one bad addiction would suffice. And who was I harming anyways? I was keeping hundreds of authors – not to mention publishers – employed. And you just never ever know when you will need to read a book about the origins of goddess sculpture in 5th century Greece now do you?

Well in the past two months I seem to have entered a whole new arena of addiction. Let’s just say that iKnow this is bad, iCan’t seem to stop myself, iLove these products even though iKnow iHave to stop.

And bless his cute little Duck loving heart – but when Andrew was messing about with a particular iProduct that requires a lot of ‘touching’ - that as much as iLove this new toy – I let Andrew really touch it a lot… grimy fingers and all.

Did I mention you can download books with this thing?

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