Friday, November 21, 2008

Steak Frites

Steak Frites
Originally uploaded by otheradam
I am not sure there is a greater pleasure in life than a really good steak. Except perhaps a really good basket of deep fried appropriately cut potatoes drizzled with salt. So when given the opportunity to travel in a country that has as its’ national dish – something called steak and frites – I am on the next plane to Paris.

Such a simple concept – and when executed well – it is divine. Key is to start with quality raw goods – if you have the time and acreage – raising your own cow, butchering it and then cutting the primest part of said cow (now affectionately called ‘Daisy’ by the rest of your family) – is the best way to achieve steak and frites nirvana.

But you can also do ok at any local market. Or for that matter you can do pretty well if you go to any Portland restaurant that serves steak frites. Carafe immediately comes to mind… very authentic and reasonably priced. I don’t have the wardrobe or pocket book for a place like Bluehour, Fenouil or 1001 – but I hear they do this dish up real nice.

Oh and it tastes even better if you go run 10 miles in the rain beforehand. Good steak, a basket of fries and a tasty red wine and boom – 9 hour coma.

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