Friday, July 27, 2007

Cute Andrew

Just when I think I have sorta kindof mastered the vastness of computer wizardry - it throws another loop at me. And then I try to remember that at the end of a long hard day of travelling great distances in a wagon pulled by very slow oxen - the hardy Pioneer women not only set up camp and prepared dinner on a camp fire (and without Circulon pans!) but they did all that and then set about doing a thousand things that had to be done like sewing their own clothes, or making soap because you know they didn't have the 134 gallon bottle of Tide from Costco.

It's good to have perspective - and that is why I like to show off this photo of my friend Andrew who is so independent and wildly confident and optimistic at the age of 5 - the kind of kid that makes you think wouldn't it be great to be five forever? He is athletic, smart and so amused by his own humor.... And what makes Andrew the greatest 5 year old is that he is a HUGE, HUGE Duck fan. I'd like to think that has something to do with the influence of his friend Amy, but more likely it is because when he was 3 - green and yellow just looked way cooler than orange and black. So in a family of Beaver fans - my Andrew stands up and loudly and proudly proclaims his love of the mighty DUX! Is that why he is all yellow here? You bet - he really is that big a fan. I could cry with happiness.

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