Monday, July 16, 2007

Susan Does It Again!

As the final minutes of the championship game were winding down – I was brimming with confidence that even though we had had many opportunities to win the game on the field in regular time – that if it came to PK’s that we would win. And win we did thanks to the incredible skill and smarts of our beloved keeper Susan.

The Violent Thistles repeated as champions at the infamous Snohomish tournament. And once again we brought home the t-shirt! This year was perhaps an even greater triumph since Over 30 B was integrated into Over 30 A due to lack of teams entered. So the competition was great.

Our first game was a battle and we knew right away we were playing with the big dogs. We won 2-1 with two incredible goals from Robyn and Arnie (Violent Femmes incredibly fast and skilled forward – very fun to play with!). Her header from a Kelsey cross was one of the prettiest goals I’ve seen at Snohomish.

Susan had an incredible first game – we would end up facing this team in the finals and the game could have easily gone either way but Susan was amazing – saving several shots that were hard driving high shots that seemed to stop right on Susan’s fingertips.

Our second game was also tough but thanks to Erin Thompson’s two goals we won 2-0 to advance to the semi’s.

Sunday – we got a late start to the day – first game at 2:00 against the Stinky Pigs. They had recruited a sweeper that was incredible – fast, smart, great ball skills and she could rocket a clearance from her own penalty box to the other team’s penalty box.

Thanks to some scouting from Kelsey and Robyn – we knew their weakness – if we could pull the sweeper out to the wing – it would leave the middle wide open and our first goal was exactly that – Arnie pulled her to the wing – she saw the middle was open and a quick cross and we were up 1-0!

It was a tough battle – Eryn went down with an ankle injury (but tough as ever – after a little ice therapy she did rejoin us) and Erin was taken down in the box for a PK which gave us our third goal. Stac once again walked off the field with a very bloody left knee. And with seconds to play in the game, Susan was cleated hard in the thigh. We won 4-2 but we were battle weary.

A short break, some arnica therapy for Susan, a taped up ankle for Eryn and then the final began at 4:30. We faced our first opponent – the Knot – E’s. Our offense was on fire – there was no end to the runs, crosses, and creative, beautiful soccer. For some reason we had more freedom in this game than any other and there was some terrific stuff. Sadly we could not put one in the goal – and as the minutes ticked down both teams seem resigned to a PK finish.

I will spare you the kick by kick PK replay – suffice to say – Susan saved two PK’s, and had her hands on another – Erin and Eryn both scored their PK’s along with Kelsey and to finish it off with the 5th and final kick – a rocket shot that slipped through the opposing keepers arms and into the goal – our very own defender – Tara.

You can be very proud of our Thistles. Erin and Eryn were great as always – Erin had several goals and assists – all of them beauties and played almost every minute of the tournament. And she and Arnie were a fearsome front two-some – so glad I wasn’t defending that! Eryn gave our mid a sense of calm that was greatly needed – her distribution was top notch, her runs down the wing were awesome and she had another cross bar shot which Robyn very nearly put in on the rebound. Also her PK shot in the championship on a weak ankle was terrific – what a tough gal!

Stac was tough as nails (bloody knees to show for it) and totally calm in defense, and I – well I listened to Tara and stayed right with #18 or was it #10, # 7 – who has #7? wait that’s Robyn!

But this tournament was Susan’s – in all the games she was at her best. And to finish it off with a PK triumph was just classic Susan. She paid the price – we shipped her off to Chicago with a cleated thigh and a knee to the other thigh. So walking will be a challenge – but I’m sure she would be the first to say, it was all worth it.

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