Monday, July 30, 2007

How to make a perfect Italian meal

Send friend to Italy with nothing on her mind but the great taste of the pesto from Italy...more specifically pesto from Liguria...and even more specifically pesto from the Cinqueterre.

Meanwhile in about a month - boil water and add a generous handful or two of pasta...

Shockingly in that month your friend has returned and brought you.... wouldn't you know it... a jar of homemade pesto from the wonderful town of Vernazza.. on the Ligurian coast...

Drain pasta and add to pretty bowl with pesto.

Mix pasta with pesto - and as the steaming pasta hits the cool pesto - the smells of Italy return, fresh basil, lemon trees, the smell of the Ligurian sea, the train whistles into the tunnel, far off a dog barks... and here in my kitchen I savor the flavors, the smell, the taste of a trip taken long ago but fresh in my mind as if it were yesterday. And that is how you make a great Italian bowl of pasta!

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